The Villa Park Neighborhood is located in West Denver, about three miles west of Downtown Denver. It is chiefly composed of single-family homes with some apartment buildings and townhomes. The neighborhood has access to parks, trails (including the Lakewood Dry Gulch), highways, the RTD West Line connecting Denver to Golden, and beautiful views of the city and mountains. As many Denver neighborhoods continue to become less affordable, ULC has made an effort to create additional affordable housing opportunities within Villa Park.

ULC acquired the land underlying the Jody Apartments near 10th and Sheridan in 2007 as an affordable housing preservation deal in partnership with NEWSED. The apartments sit adjacent to the Sheridan Light Rail Station and are kept in ULC’s 99-year land lease to ensure long-term affordability.
In early 2021, ULC, in partnership with Brinshore and Mile High Development, was excited to announce the opening of Sheridan Station Apartments —an eight-story affordable multifamily transit-oriented development, overlooking the Sheridan Light Rail Station with 133 income-restricted residential units for individuals and families earning up to 30% of Area Median Income (AMI) or up to 60% of AMI. Brinshore and Mile High Development intend to develop a second phase of affordable apartments across the street from the Sheridan Station Apartments in the coming years. Parking for these residences is provided via an agreement with RTD for spaces in the existing parking structure constructed for transit riders.

ULC is also embarking on a master planning effort for land at the northeast corner of 10th Ave and 10th and Sheridan Blvd in partnership with The Morrison Group and Mental Health Center of Denver. The community will be invited to a series of meetings to learn about the effort and to offer input regarding ways that new development can fit in with the existing neighborhood context and to create neighborhood guiding principles for the property. The first meeting will be held in March.
The Villa Park Neighborhood Association has been a long-term active component of Villa Park’s development. They are currently working on the West Area Plan under Denver’s Neighborhood Planning Initiative and are focused on promoting affordable housing development and supporting neighbors in staying in their homes. Click here to read the 2008 Sheridan Station Area Plan.
The Villa Park Neighborhood Association meets via Zoom (until further notice) on the fourth Saturday of each month at 11:00 am. For more information or to get on the meeting agenda, please visit their site here or email [email protected].