
Thriftway Pocket Park

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Land Banking / Future Development
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Publicly-Accessible Open Space
  • Thriftway Pocket Park
  • Thriftway Pocket Park

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Thriftway Pocket Park

Thriftway Pocket Park on Morrison Road is a publicly-accessible open space featuring a futsal court, community gardens and a playground. Owned by ULC, this property holds great significance for the Westwood neighborhood. An old Thriftway supermarket building here served many purposes after its construction in the 1950s, but by 2014 had been shuttered and abandoned for years, drawing criminal activity and raising community concerns. The Trust for Public Land was critical to ULC’s purchase of the building. ULC demolished the building in 2014 and partnered with Westwood Unidos, a resident-led neighborhood collaborative, to lead a community visioning process to select an interim use for the site, which culminated in the opening of Thriftway Pocket Park in June 2017. Long-term plans for the site are to create a beneficial development that directly addresses community needs.

Yellow, orange, red, and white exterior of a modern building

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