Family Star Montessori Purchases Curtis Park Community Center

ULC recently announced the sale of the Curtis Park Community Center to anchor tenant Family Star Montessori School. We will continue to own the land under the school in a 99 year land lease, ensuring the building will provide community beneficial services for generations!

City of Lakes Community Land Trust Visits Denver, Shares Success Behind CLT Model

The City of Lakes Community Land Trust (CLCLT) spent three days in Denver for a peer to peer learning experience with ULC. During their visit, CLCLT shared information behind the success of their CLT model in Minneapolis, and learned more about the the transit-oriented development (TOD) fund here in Denver.

March Partner Spotlight of the Month: Alliance Construction Solutions!

Alliance Construction Solutions has been the lead on the renovation and elevator installation at Mountain View Nonprofit Tower. Alliance has a variety of ongoing projects throughout the Denver metro region, and we are happy to feature them as our March Partner Spotlight!