Hoffman Heights/Jewell Heights

Fitzsimons Gateway Apartments

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Affordable Housing
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Community Land Trust Property
  • Fitzsimons Gateway Apartments
  • Fitzsimons Gateway Apartments
  • Fitzsimons Gateway Apartments

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Fitzsimons Gateway Apartments

Fitzsimons Gateway will be 210 affordable apartments for those who make between 30% and 70% of the area’s median income. Located at the southeast corner of Colfax Avenue and Peoria Street, near the Anschutz Medical Campus, the building will provide quality, affordable housing in Aurora. BMC Investments and Mile High Development are developing the site. Urban Land Conservancy owns the land and holds it in our community land trust, ensuring at least 99 years of affordability for future Fitzsimons Gateway residents.

Yellow, orange, red, and white exterior of a modern building

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